functionHomepageIntro() { return ( <divclassName={styles.scopeIntros}> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntro}> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntroTitle}>Date and time data types</div> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntroDesc}>ScopeDB supports data types for managing timestamps.</div> </div> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntro}> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntroTitle}>Variant data type</div> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntroDesc}>The variant data type can contain a value of any other data type.</div> </div> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntro}> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntroTitle}>Data type conversion</div> <divclassName={styles.scopeIntroDesc}>In many cases, a value of one data type can be converted to another data type. For example, an INTEGER value can be converted to a floating-point data type value. Converting a data type is called casting. </div> </div> </div> ); }
exportdefaultfunctionHome(): React.JSX.Element { return ( <Layout description="ScopeDB is a database built directly on top of S3 and unleashes the power of cloud elasticity and workload isolation."> <HomepageBanner/> <HomepageIntro/> </Layout> ); }